Sweet Thorn Price in Pakistan

The price of Sweet Thorn in Pakistan may vary depending on various factors such as the region, market demand, and availability. On average, the cost of Sweet Thorn ranges from PKR 500 to PKR 1500 per kilogram.

Names of Sweet Thorn

Hindi: मीठे बाबूल (Meethe Babool)

Urdu: میٹھے کانٹے (Meethe Kantay)

English: Sweet Thorn

French: Épine Douce

Arabic: الأشواك الحلوة (Al-Ashwaq Al-Helwa)

Benefits of Sweet Thorn

Anti-inflammatory properties: Sweet Thorn exhibits potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, and other inflammatory disorders.

Digestive aid: The bark and leaves of Sweet Thorn possess digestive properties and can aid in soothing digestive issues like indigestion, flatulence, and stomach cramps.

Boosts immune system: Sweet Thorn contains essential nutrients and antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to infections and diseases.

Wound healing: The powdered form of Sweet Thorn bark can be applied topically to wounds. It aids in faster healing, prevents infection, and reduces inflammation.

Oral health: The twigs and leaves of Sweet Thorn can be used as a natural toothbrush due to their antibacterial properties. Regular use can promote oral health, prevent gum diseases, and alleviate toothache.

Usages of Sweet Thorn

Herbal tea: The dried leaves and bark of Sweet Thorn can be brewed into a herbal tea. It is known for its soothing and calming properties and can be consumed to relieve stress and anxiety.

Medicinal decoction: Sweet Thorn decoction made from the bark and leaves is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as fever, cough, sore throat, and respiratory infections.

Topical application: The powdered form of Sweet Thorn bark can be mixed with a carrier oil and applied topically to treat skin conditions like rashes, eczema, and insect bites.

Livestock feed: Sweet Thorn leaves and pods are used as fodder for livestock due to their high nutritional value. They provide essential nutrients to the animals and help maintain their overall health.

Landscaping and erosion control: Sweet Thorn is often planted for its ornamental value and its ability to control soil erosion. Its dense growth and strong root system help stabilize the soil on slopes and prevent erosion.

Precautions when using Sweet Thorn

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using Sweet Thorn as there is limited information available regarding its safety during these periods.

Allergic reactions: Individuals with a known allergy to plants from the Fabaceae family (such as peas, beans, and peanuts) may be at an increased risk of developing allergic reactions to Sweet Thorn. It is advisable to perform a patch test before using it.

Dosage and moderation: Sweet Thorn should be used in moderation, and it is essential to follow the recommended dosage. Excessive consumption or use may lead to adverse effects.

Drug interactions: Sweet Thorn may interact with certain medications, including blood pressure-lowering drugs and anticoagulants. Consult a healthcare professional before using Sweet Thorn if you are on any medications.

Plant thorns: While handling Sweet Thorn, be cautious of the thorns present on the branches and stems. Use protective gloves to prevent injuries and avoid any potential infections.

Sweet Thorn is a versatile plant with numerous benefits and applications. However, it is crucial to use it responsibly and adhere to the precautions mentioned above. Always consult with a healthcare professional or herbalist before incorporating Sweet Thorn into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.


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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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