Smearwort Price in Pakistan


Smearwort, scientifically known as Aerva lanata, is a perennial herb native to Pakistan and other regions of South Asia. It is widely recognized for its medicinal properties and is used in various traditional remedies.

We will explore the price of smearwort in Pakistan and discuss its benefits, usages, and precautions. Additionally, we will provide the names of smearwort in Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic languages.

Smearwort Price in Pakistan

The price of smearwort in Pakistan can vary depending on factors such as the region, quality, and availability. On average, the price of smearwort ranges from PKR 200 to PKR 500 per kilogram in local markets. It is commonly available in herbal medicine stores and online platforms.

Names of Smearwort in Different Languages

Hindi: उदुम्बरी (Udumbari)

Urdu: ڈنٹ (Dant)

English: Smearwort

French: Aerva lanata

Arabic: الحبة القشرية (Al-Habbat al-Qashriya)

Benefits of Smearwort

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Smearwort contains compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may help in reducing inflammation in the body.

Digestive Health: It is believed that smearwort can aid in promoting healthy digestion and relieving gastrointestinal discomfort.

Diuretic Effects: The diuretic properties of smearwort may assist in flushing out toxins from the body and maintaining kidney health.

Wound Healing: Traditional medicine suggests that smearwort can be used topically to aid in the healing of wounds, cuts, and bruises.

Respiratory Support: Smearwort has been used to alleviate respiratory conditions like cough, asthma, and bronchitis due to its expectorant properties.

Usages of Smearwort

Herbal Infusion: Smearwort leaves can be steeped in hot water to prepare a herbal infusion, which is consumed for its potential health benefits.

Topical Application: Smearwort poultices or ointments can be applied externally to promote wound healing and alleviate skin conditions like rashes and eczema.

Ayurvedic Remedies: In Ayurvedic medicine, smearwort is used in various formulations to treat digestive disorders, respiratory ailments, and urinary tract infections.

Decoction: The roots of smearwort can be boiled to prepare a decoction that is believed to be beneficial for urinary and kidney problems.

Dietary Supplement: Smearwort extracts are available in the form of capsules or tablets and can be consumed as a dietary supplement.

Precautions while using Smearwort

Pregnant and lactating women should consult a healthcare professional before using smearwort, as its safety during these conditions is not well-established.

Individuals with existing medical conditions, such as liver or kidney disorders, should exercise caution and seek medical advice before using smearwort.

Excessive consumption of smearwort may lead to digestive disturbances, such as diarrhea or stomach upset. It is advisable to consume it in moderation.

If you are allergic to plants in the Amaranthaceae family, it is recommended to avoid using smearwort.

Always purchase smearwort from reputable sources to ensure quality and minimize the risk of contamination or adulteration.

Smearwort, known as Aerva lanata, is a valuable herb with several medicinal properties. It is widely available in Pakistan and offers various benefits, such as anti-inflammatory effects, digestive support, wound healing, and respiratory assistance.

However, it is essential to exercise precautions while using smearwort and consult healthcare professionals when necessary. By understanding its benefits, usages, and precautions, individuals can make informed decisions regarding the incorporation of smearwort into their health and wellness routines.

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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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