SENNA LEAVES Price of Pakistan | BURG SENNA Price of Pakistan 

Senna Leaves, Burg Senna, and Seena Maki Leaves are some of the most popular medicinal plants found in Pakistan. They are extensively used in traditional folk medicine for their numerous health benefits. Senna leaves are used for their laxative properties, while Burg Senna Leaves and Seena Maki Leaves are used for their anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and digestive properties.

Senna Leaves Price in Pakistan:

In Pakistan Senna Leaves are widely available in the market. The price of Senna Leaves depends on the quality of the product. Generally, the prices range from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 7000 per kilogram.

Burg Senna Price in Pakistan:

Burg Senna is a popular herbal medicine and is widely used in Pakistan. The price of Burg Senna in Pakistan is usually around Rs. 5000 to Rs. 8000 per kilogram.

Seena Maki Leaves Price in Pakistan:

Seena Maki Leaves are used to treat various ailments and are popular in Pakistan. The price of Seena Maki Leaves in Pakistan is usually around Rs. 3500 to Rs. 7000 per kilogram.


NAME: Senna Leaves.

URDU NAME: Burg Senna or Senna Maki leaves.

ARABIC NAME: Senna Maki.

ENGLISH NAME: Senna Leaves.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Senna Alexandrina Cassia Angustifolia.

 Senna Leaves have great importance in Islam.

Hazrat Anas Bin Malik (R.A) says that Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) said,

“There is a cure in three things except for saam (death), Senna, Sannoot (dill or else) the third one is not mentioned due to forgetfulness”.

(Kanz-ul-ummal: 28269)

Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (R.A) says that Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) said Senna & Sannoot (dill or else) are medicines for all diseases”.

(Kanz-ul-ummal 28270 & Baihaqi: 20065)


    1. Senna Leaves Treats Malaria.
    2. Senna Leaves Treats gouts.
    3. Senna Leaves Treats jaundice.
    4. Senna Leaves Treats irritable bowel syndrome.
    5. Senna Leaves Help in treating hemorrhoids.
    6. Senna Leaves Effective in brain pressure.
    7. Senna Leaves Effective in coronavirus.
    8. Senna Leaves Effective in bronchitis.
    9. Senna Leaves are Effective in colds, flu, and cough.
    10. Senna Leaves Effective in sore throat.
    11. Senna Leaves Reduce constipation.
    12. Senna Leaves Reduce chest infection.
    13. Senna Leaves Acts as a diuretic.
    14. Senna Leaves Uses for hair dye.



Excessive use of anything causes different kinds of diseases or adverse negative effects on your health. If you are a breastfeeding mother or a pregnant woman or a person who has any kind of disease or has an allergen to anything then use any herb with the advice of your doctor.


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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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