Plumed Cockscomb Price in Pakistan


The Plumed Cockscomb, scientifically known as Celosia argentea, is a vibrant flowering plant that adds beauty and charm to gardens and landscapes.

We will explore the price of Plumed Cockscomb in Pakistan and provide its Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic names. Additionally, we will discuss five benefits, five common usages, and five important precautions associated with Plumed Cockscomb.

Plumed Cockscomb Price in Pakistan

The price of Plumed Cockscomb in Pakistan may vary depending on factors such as plant size, variety, and market demand. As of the latest information, the average price of Plumed Cockscomb ranges from [insert approximate price range here]. Please note that prices are subject to change, so it is advisable to check with local nurseries or suppliers for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing.

Names of Plumed Cockscomb in Different Languages

To facilitate our readers, here are the names of Plumed Cockscomb in various languages:


Hindi: प्लूम्ड कॉक्सकॉम (Plumed Cockscomb)

Urdu: پلومڈ کاکسکم (Plumed Cockscomb)

English: Plumed Cockscomb

French: Crête de coq plumée

Arabic: قرنفلة محشوة (Qarnfulah Mahshooshah)

Benefits of Plumed Cockscomb

Ornamental Beauty: Plumed Cockscomb is prized for its striking, brightly colored flowers that add visual appeal to gardens, landscapes, and floral arrangements.

Long-Lasting Blooms: The flowers of Plumed Cockscomb have a long flowering period, ensuring continuous beauty throughout the growing season.

Low Maintenance: This plant is relatively easy to grow and requires minimal care, making it suitable for both experienced and novice gardeners.

Attracts Pollinators: The vibrant flowers of Plumed Cockscomb attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to the overall health of the ecosystem.

Medicinal Uses: In traditional medicine, certain parts of the Plumed Cockscomb plant are used to treat various ailments such as skin infections, digestive issues, and respiratory problems.

Usages of Plumed Cockscomb

Ornamental Planting: Plumed Cockscomb is commonly used as an ornamental plant in gardens, flower beds, borders, and containers, adding a splash of color and texture to the landscape.

Cut Flowers: The long-lasting flowers of Plumed Cockscomb make them suitable for cut flower arrangements, bouquets, and decorative displays.

Dried Flower Crafts: The dried flowers of Plumed Cockscomb retain their color and shape, making them ideal for dried flower crafts, wreaths, and floral decorations.

Edible Flowers: The flowers of Plumed Cockscomb are edible and can be used as a decorative element in salads, desserts, and garnishes.

Traditional Medicine: Certain parts of the Plumed Cockscomb plant, such as leaves and seeds, are used in traditional medicine for their potential therapeutic properties.

Plumed Cockscomb Precautions

Allergies: Some individuals may have allergic reactions to Plumed Cockscomb. It is advisable to exercise caution and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.

Toxicity: Although Plumed Cockscomb is generally considered safe, ingestion of large quantities of the plant may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Pesticide Use: If using pesticides or insecticides on Plumed Cockscomb, follow the instructions carefully and avoid using harmful chemicals that may be toxic to humans or the environment.

Soil and Water Requirements: Plumed Cockscomb prefers well-drained soil and moderate watering. Avoid overwatering, as it may lead to root rot or fungal diseases.

Invasive Potential: Plumed Cockscomb has the potential to self-seed and spread quickly. Monitor its growth and take necessary steps to prevent it from becoming invasive in natural habitats.

Plumed Cockscomb is a beautiful flowering plant that offers aesthetic value and potential medicinal uses. Whether for ornamental purposes, cut flowers, dried flower crafts, or traditional medicine, the Plumed Cockscomb plant brings color and versatility to various settings. However, it is important to be mindful of potential allergies, toxicity concerns, and proper care to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience with this captivating plant.

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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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