Neem Leaves Price in Pakistan


Neem, a tree native to the Indian subcontinent, is renowned for its medicinal properties and various applications in traditional medicine and skincare.

We will explore the price of neem leaves in Pakistan and provide their Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic names. Additionally, we will discuss five benefits, five common usages, and five important precautions associated with neem leaves.

Neem Leaves Price in Pakistan

The price of neem leaves in Pakistan may vary depending on factors such as season, demand, and availability. Please note that prices are subject to change, so it is advisable to check with local suppliers or retailers for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing.

Names of Neem Leaves in Different Languages

To cater to our diverse readership, here are the names of neem leaves in various languages:

Hindi: नीम के पत्ते (Neem ke patte)

Urdu: نیم کے پتے (Neem ke patay)

English: Neem Leaves

French: Feuilles de neem

Arabic: أوراق النيم (Awraq al Neem)

Benefits of Neem Leaves

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: Neem leaves possess natural antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help combat various microbial infections on the skin and in the body.

Skin Health: Neem leaves are known for their ability to improve skin health. They can help reduce acne, soothe irritation, moisturize the skin, and promote a healthy complexion.

Oral Health: Chewing neem leaves or using neem-based oral care products can aid in maintaining oral hygiene by reducing plaque, fighting bad breath, and preventing gum diseases.

Boosts Immunity: Neem leaves are rich in antioxidants and immune-boosting compounds that help strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms and promote overall wellness.

Insect Repellent: The bitter properties of neem leaves make them effective in repelling insects such as mosquitoes, making them a natural and safe alternative to chemical insecticides.

Usages of Neem Leaves

Skincare Products: Neem leaves or their extracts are commonly used in the production of soaps, lotions, creams, and face packs due to their beneficial effects on the skin.

Hair Care: Neem leaves can be used to make hair masks, oils, or rinses to promote scalp health, reduce dandruff, and encourage hair growth.

Traditional Medicine: Neem leaves are a vital component of traditional medicine systems and are used for treating various ailments such as skin infections, digestive issues, and respiratory conditions.

Agricultural Purposes: Neem leaves are used as a natural pesticide and organic fertilizer in agriculture, helping to control pests and improve soil quality.

Oral Hygiene: Chewing neem leaves or using neem-based toothpaste and mouthwash can help maintain oral hygiene, prevent cavities, and reduce gum problems.

Neem Leaves Precautions

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It is advisable for pregnant or breastfeeding women to consult a healthcare professional before using neem leaves or neem-based products.

Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to neem leaves. Perform a patch test before using neem products topically or consuming them.

Diabetes and Blood Sugar Levels: Neem leaves may lower blood sugar levels. Individuals with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels closely when using neem leaves or neem-based products.

Surgery: Neem leaves may have an impact on blood sugar control and blood clotting. If you have scheduled surgery, it is important to inform your healthcare provider about your neem leaf consumption.

Children: Neem leaves should be used with caution in children, and it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before administering them.

Neem leaves, with their myriad benefits and versatile applications, hold a prominent place in traditional medicine and skincare. From promoting skin health to boosting immunity, neem leaves offer a natural and effective solution for various ailments.

However, it is important to exercise precautions, especially during pregnancy, and be aware of potential allergies or interactions with existing medical conditions. By incorporating neem leaves responsibly, individuals can harness their remarkable properties and experience their positive effects on health and well-being.

You can also view this product: Neem Bark Price in Pakistan




50 gm, 100 gm


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