Jujube Price in Pakistan


Jujube, scientifically known as Ziziphus jujuba, is a small fruit-bearing tree native to China. With its various health benefits and culinary uses, jujube has gained popularity worldwide, including Pakistan.

We will explore the Jujube price in Pakistan and provide the Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic names for the fruit. Additionally, we will discuss five benefits, five usages, and five precautions associated with jujube consumption.

Jujube Price in Pakistan

The price of jujube in Pakistan varies depending on the season, availability, and region. On average, the cost of jujube ranges from Rs. 200 to Rs. 500 per kilogram. The price may slightly fluctuate in different cities and markets, so it is advisable to check with local vendors for the most accurate information.

Jujube Names

Hindi: बेर (Ber)

Urdu: بیر (Ber)

English: Jujube

French: Jujube

Arabic: عناب (Anab)

Benefits of Jujube

Immune System Boost: Jujube is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and immune-boosting properties, which strengthen the body’s defense system and help fight off infections and diseases.

Digestive Health: Jujube contains dietary fiber that aids in digestion, relieves constipation, and promotes a healthy digestive system.

Anxiety and Stress Relief: Jujube has calming properties that can reduce anxiety and stress levels. It may also improve sleep quality and alleviate symptoms of insomnia.

Blood Pressure Regulation: Consuming jujube regularly may help regulate blood pressure levels due to its potassium content, promoting cardiovascular health.

Skin Health: Jujube’s antioxidant properties can contribute to healthier skin by reducing signs of aging, preventing wrinkles, and improving skin elasticity.

Usages of Jujube

Culinary Delight: Jujube can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or processed into various culinary creations such as jams, jellies, juices, desserts, and teas.

Medicinal Purposes: Jujube has been used in traditional medicine for its therapeutic benefits, including its ability to treat cough, sore throat, indigestion, and insomnia.

Herbal Tea: Jujube tea, made from dried jujube fruit, is a popular herbal beverage known for its soothing properties and potential health benefits.

Skincare Products: Extracts from jujube fruit are often used in skincare products due to their antioxidant properties, helping to improve skin health and reduce signs of aging.

Animal Feed: Jujube can also be used as animal feed, providing nutrition to livestock.

Precautions when Consuming Jujube

Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to jujube fruit. If you experience any allergic symptoms such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

Blood Sugar Management: While jujube is generally considered safe for diabetics, it’s essential to monitor blood sugar levels closely due to its natural sugars.

Overconsumption: Excessive consumption of jujube may lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, bloating, or stomach cramps. Moderation is key.

Medication Interactions: If you are taking any medications, consult your healthcare provider before consuming jujube, as it may interact with certain drugs.

Pesticide Residue: To minimize exposure to pesticide residue, it is advisable to purchase organic jujube fruits or wash them thoroughly before consumption.

Jujube, with its unique taste and numerous health benefits, has become a sought-after fruit in Pakistan. Whether enjoyed fresh or used in various culinary creations, jujube provides a range of advantages, including immune system support, digestive health, stress relief, and skincare benefits.

However, it is important to exercise caution and follow the mentioned precautions when consuming jujube. With proper awareness and knowledge, one can enjoy the goodness of this delightful fruit while reaping its potential benefits.

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50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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