Hoary Stock Seeds Price in Pakistan


Hoary Stock seeds, scientifically known as Matthiola incana, are a popular flowering plant in Pakistan known for its vibrant colors and sweet fragrance.

we will explore the price of Hoary Stock seeds in Pakistan, along with their Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic names. Additionally, we will discuss five benefits, five usages, and five precautions associated with these seeds.

Hoary Stock Seeds Price in Pakistan

The price of Hoary Stock seeds in Pakistan varies depending on the quantity and quality of the seeds. On average, a packet of Hoary Stock seeds can range from PKR 150 to PKR 300.

Names of Hoary Stock Seeds

Hindi Name: The Hindi name for Hoary Stock seeds is “Gulab Banafsha Beej.”

Urdu Name: In Urdu, Hoary Stock seeds are called “گلاب بنفشہ بیج” (Gulab Banafsha Beej).

English Name: The English name for Hoary Stock seeds is “Hoary Stock.”

French Name: In French, Hoary Stock seeds are referred to as “Grande violette des jardins.”

Arabic Name: The Arabic name for Hoary Stock seeds is “بذور الجريان الرمادي.”

Hoary Stock seeds Benefits

Aesthetic Appeal: Hoary Stock flowers are known for their vibrant and captivating colors, making them a beautiful addition to gardens and landscapes.

Fragrance: The sweet and pleasant fragrance of Hoary Stock flowers adds a delightful aroma to outdoor spaces.

Pollinator Attraction: The nectar-rich flowers of Hoary Stock attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

Medicinal Properties: Hoary Stock seeds are believed to possess certain medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine for their potential benefits on respiratory health.

Stress Relief: The captivating colors and soothing fragrance of Hoary Stock flowers are known to have a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Hoary Stock seeds Usages

Ornamental Planting: Hoary Stock is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens, parks, and flower beds due to its attractive flowers and fragrance.

Floral Arrangements: The vibrant and long-lasting blooms of Hoary Stock make them popular choices for floral arrangements, bouquets, and flower decorations.

Essential Oil Extraction: Hoary Stock flowers can be used to extract essential oils, which are used in perfumes, soaps, and aromatherapy due to their pleasant fragrance.

Herbal Infusions: The dried flowers and leaves of Hoary Stock can be used to prepare herbal infusions or teas, believed to have respiratory health benefits.

Cosmetics: Hoary Stock extracts are used in the cosmetic industry for their fragrance and potential skincare benefits, including in creams, lotions, and soaps.

Hoary Stock seeds Precautions

Skin Irritation: Some individuals may experience skin irritation or allergies when in contact with Hoary Stock flowers or its extracts. Perform a patch test before using products containing Hoary Stock extracts.

Ingestion Risks: Hoary Stock seeds and other plant parts should not be ingested as they may be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Allergic Reactions: Individuals with known allergies to flowers or plants in the Brassicaceae family should exercise caution when handling Hoary Stock seeds or flowers.

Pesticide Exposure: When cultivating Hoary Stock, avoid excessive use of pesticides or herbicides, as it may harm beneficial insects and affect the ecological balance.

Not Suitable for Indoor Cultivation: Hoary Stock is primarily an outdoor plant and may not thrive well in indoor conditions. Ensure proper sunlight, ventilation, and suitable growing conditions.

Hoary Stock seeds, known for their beauty and fragrance, have several benefits and usages. They can enhance the aesthetics of gardens, attract pollinators, and offer potential medicinal properties.

However, precautions should be taken to avoid allergies, toxicity, and inappropriate cultivation practices. By understanding these aspects, gardening enthusiasts in Pakistan can enjoy the splendor of Hoary Stock flowers while ensuring their well-being.


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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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