Dried Assyrian Plum Price in Pakistan

The dried Assyrian plum, also known by various names in different languages, is a popular fruit in Pakistan. With its unique taste and numerous health benefits, it has become a staple in the country.

we will explore the price of dried Assyrian plum in Pakistan, along with its benefits, usages, and precautions. We will also provide the names of this fruit in Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic.

Dried Assyrian Plum Price in Pakistan

The price of dried Assyrian plum in Pakistan can vary depending on factors such as the quality, brand, and packaging. On average, a kilogram of dried Assyrian plum can range from PKR 500 to PKR 800.

Names in Different Languages

Hindi: सूखी अस्सीरियन प्लम (Sookhi Assirian Plum)

Urdu: خشک ایشوریائی علیچہ (Khushk Ashooriayi Aleecha)

English: Dried Assyrian Plum

French: Prune assyrienne séchée

Arabic: بلوم آشوري مجفف (Blum Ashuri Mujaffaf)

Benefits of Dried Assyrian Plum

Rich in antioxidants: Dried Assyrian plum is packed with antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Digestive health: It contains dietary fiber that aids digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes a healthy digestive system.

Boosts immunity: The high vitamin C content in dried Assyrian plum helps strengthen the immune system and protects against common illnesses.

Bone health: It is a good source of calcium, promoting healthy bones and preventing conditions like osteoporosis.

Weight management: The fiber and low-calorie content of dried Assyrian plum make it an ideal snack for those trying to manage their weight.

Usages of Dried Assyrian Plum

Snacking: Dried Assyrian plum can be eaten as a nutritious and delicious snack on its own or added to trail mixes, granola bars, or energy balls.

Cooking: It can be used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes, such as desserts, jams, chutneys, sauces, and stews, to add a tangy flavor and natural sweetness.

Baking: Dried Assyrian plum can be incorporated into bread, muffins, cakes, and cookies, providing a unique twist to traditional recipes.

Infusions: It can be used to make flavorful infusions by soaking the dried plums in water or tea, creating a refreshing and healthy beverage.

Traditional medicine: In traditional practices, dried Assyrian plum is used as a natural remedy for various ailments, including respiratory issues, digestive disorders, and skin problems.

Dried Assyrian Plum Precautions

Allergy risk: Some individuals may be allergic to dried Assyrian plum. If you experience any allergic reactions, such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing, discontinue use and seek medical advice.

High sugar content: Dried Assyrian plum is naturally high in sugar, so individuals with diabetes or those on a low-sugar diet should consume it in moderation.

Choking hazard: The small size and firm texture of dried Assyrian plum may pose a choking risk, especially for young children. Cut the plums into smaller pieces before giving them to children.

Dental health: Due to its sticky nature, dried Assyrian plum can adhere to teeth, potentially contributing to tooth decay. Practice good oral hygiene after consuming it.

Pesticide residues: To minimize exposure to pesticide residues, choose organic or naturally dried Assyrian plums whenever possible.

Dried Assyrian plum, with its unique flavor and health benefits, has gained popularity among Pakistani consumers. By understanding its price, benefits, usages, and precautions, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating this delicious fruit into their diet and lifestyle.


You can also view this product: Dried Cheer Pine Price in Pakistan


Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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