Cotton Seeds Price in Pakistan


Cotton is a widely cultivated crop around the world, and India is known for its high-quality cotton production. In neighboring Pakistan, Indian cotton seeds have gained popularity due to their superior quality and affordability.

We will provides an overview of the Indian cotton seeds price in Pakistan and explores their benefits, usages, and precautions. Additionally, the names of cotton seeds in Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic are also mentioned to facilitate communication among diverse communities.

Indian Cotton Seeds Price in Pakistan

Indian cotton seeds are an attractive option for Pakistani farmers due to their quality and cost-effectiveness. The price of Indian cotton seeds in Pakistan varies based on factors such as variety, demand, and supply. Currently, the average price range of Indian cotton seeds in Pakistan is between PKR 2,500 to PKR 3,500 per 450-gram packet. However, it is advisable to consult local suppliers for accurate and updated prices.

Names of Cotton Seeds in Different Languages

Hindi: कपास के बीज (kapas ke beej)

Urdu: کپاس کے بیج (kapas ke beej)

English: Cotton seeds

French: Graines de coton

Arabic: بذور القطن (buthur al-qutan)

Benefits of Indian Cotton Seeds

Enhanced YieldIndian cotton seeds are renowned for their high-yielding varieties, which contribute to increased productivity for farmers.

Pest Resistance: These seeds are genetically modified to possess resistance against pests, reducing the need for extensive pesticide use.

Quality Fiber: Indian cotton seeds produce cotton with long and fine fibers, making it suitable for various textile applications.

Drought Tolerance: Certain Indian cotton seed varieties are bred to be more drought-tolerant, allowing cultivation in regions with limited water availability.

Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to other cotton seed options, Indian cotton seeds often provide a more affordable choice for farmers.

Usages of Cotton Seeds

Cotton Fiber Production: The primary use of cotton seeds is to grow cotton plants for fiber production, which serves as a vital raw material for the textile industry.

Animal FeedCotton seeds are also utilized as a protein-rich feed ingredient for livestock, contributing to their growth and overall health.

Oil Extraction: The seeds are a source of cottonseed oil, which is widely used in cooking, frying, and in the production of various food products.

Cosmetics and Personal Care: Cottonseed oil is a common ingredient in cosmetic and personal care products, including lotions, creams, and soaps.

Fertilizer and Fuel: Cotton seeds are utilized in the production of organic fertilizers and can also be processed to produce biodiesel.

Precautions while using Cotton Seeds

Genetic Contamination: It is important to ensure that Indian cotton seeds do not mix with local varieties to prevent genetic contamination and maintain seed purity.

Proper StorageCotton seeds should be stored in cool and dry conditions to prevent spoilage or insect infestation.

Safe Handling: When handling cotton seeds, wear protective gloves and avoid inhalation or ingestion to prevent any potential health hazards.

Adherence to Regulations: Famers should adhere to local regulations regarding the usage of genetically modified seeds and follow recommended cultivation practices.

Crop Rotation: To prevent the buildup of pests and diseases, implement proper crop rotation techniques and avoid continuous cultivation of cotton in the same field.

Indian cotton seeds have become a popular choice among Pakistani farmers due to their quality and affordability. We will shed light on the Indian cotton seeds’ price in Pakistan, highlighting their benefits, usages, and precautions.

By understanding the various names of cotton seeds in different languages, communication barriers can be overcome. Farmers should consider these factors while making informed decisions about cultivating Indian cotton seeds, ensuring sustainable and profitable outcomes in their agricultural endeavors.

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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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