CELERY SEEDS Price in Pakistan | TUKHAM QARFAS Price in Pakistan

Celery seeds are a popular spice that is used in many Pakistani dishes. They are known for their strong flavor and aroma and are used to add a unique flavor to curries, pickles, salads, and even soups.

Celery seeds have many health benefits, such as being a source of vitamins A and C, as well as having anti–inflammatory, anti–bacterial, and anti–fungal properties. The price of celery seeds in Pakistan varies depending on the quality and quantity purchased.

For instance, a one-pound packet of celery seeds can range from Rs. 3000–4500. The price can also vary depending on the variety of celery seeds and the region from which they are sourced. For instance, celery seeds from Kashmir tend to be slightly more expensive than those sourced from other parts of the country.

It is important to note that the quality of celery seeds can also affect the price. For instance, celery seeds with higher oil content are likely to be more expensive than those with lower oil content. In addition, celery seeds that have been organically grown or harvested in a sustainable manner will often cost more than those that have not.

Overall, the price of celery seeds in Pakistan can vary greatly depending on the quality, quantity, and variety purchased. However, regardless of which type of celery seeds you choose, they are sure to add a unique flavor and aroma to your cooking.

Celery seeds have great importance in hikmat. These seeds have antiseptic properties. In unani medicines, these seeds are used in cardiac tonics, carminatives tablets, and mix with other herbs to treat different diseases.

NAME: Celery Seeds.


ARABIC NAME: Bazruk Karafas.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Apium Graveolens Linn Seeds.


    1. CELERY SEEDS Treat asthma.
    2. CELERY SEEDS Treat bronchitis.
    3. CELERY SEEDS Treat liver disorder.
    4. CELERY SEEDS Treat spleen disorder.
    5. CELERY SEEDS Increase appetite.
    6. CELERY SEEDS Improve the digestive system.
    7. CELERY SEEDS Reduce fever.
    8. CELERY SEEDS Reduce inflammation.
    9. CELERY SEEDS Reduce sexual dysfunction.
    10. CELERY SEEDS Reduce backache.
    11. CELERY SEEDS Reduce sciatica pain.
    12. CELERY SEEDS Remove stones from the kidney and bladder.
    13. CELERY SEEDS Effective in measles.
    14. CELERY SEEDS Effective in gout.
    15. CELERY SEEDS Effective in rheumatoid arthritis.


Excessive use of anything causes different kinds of diseases or adverse negative effects on the body. If you are a breastfeeding mother or a pregnant woman or a person who has any kind of disease or has an allergen to anything then use any herb with the advice of your doctor.

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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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