Betel Nut Flower Price in Pakistan

The Betel Nut Flower, also known as Supari ka phool in Pakistan, is a unique and aromatic flower that blooms from the Areca catechu palm tree. It holds cultural significance and is commonly used in various traditions and practices. In this article, we will explore the price of Betel Nut Flower in Pakistan, as well as its benefits, usages, and precautions. We will also provide the names of Betel Nut Flower in Hindi, Urdu, English, French, and Arabic.

Names of Betel Nut Flower:

Hindi: सुपारी का फूल (Supari ka phool)

Urdu: سوپاری کا پھول (Supari ka phool)

English: Betel Nut Flower

French: Fleur de noix de bétel

Arabic: زهرة جوز الطيب (Zaharat jauz al-tayyib)

Price of Betel Nut Flower in Pakistan:

The price of Betel Nut Flower in Pakistan can vary depending on factors such as availability, demand, and quality. On average, Betel Nut Flower is priced at approximately 500 to 800 Pakistani Rupees per kilogram.

Benefits of Betel Nut Flower:

Aromatic Properties: The Betel Nut Flower emits a pleasant fragrance and is often used for its aromatic qualities in religious ceremonies, decorations, and perfumes.

Oral Health: It is believed to have antibacterial properties and is used in traditional oral care practices to freshen breath, promote gum health, and prevent oral infections.

Digestive Aid: The Betel Nut Flower is used in traditional medicine to aid digestion, relieve stomach discomfort, and stimulate appetite.

Cultural Significance: The flower holds cultural and social significance, often used in rituals, ceremonies, and traditional practices.

Refreshing Effect: Betel Nut Flower infusion or extract is consumed as a cooling and refreshing drink during hot weather to provide relief.

Usages of Betel Nut Flower:

Religious and Cultural Practices: Betel Nut Flowers are used in religious ceremonies, weddings, and festive occasions as decorative elements and offerings.

Perfumes and Fragrances: The aromatic properties of the flower make it a popular ingredient in perfumes, incense sticks, and scented products.

Herbal Teas and Infusions: The Betel Nut Flower can be used to prepare herbal teas and infusions, which are consumed for their refreshing and digestive properties.

Mouth Fresheners: Dried Betel Nut Flowers are often included in traditional mouth fresheners and paan preparations for their fragrance and potential oral health benefits.

Decorative Purposes: The vibrant and eye-catching Betel Nut Flowers are used in floral arrangements, garlands, and decorative crafts.

Precautions while using Betel Nut Flower:

Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to Betel Nut Flower. If you experience any allergic reactions, discontinue use and seek medical advice.

Quality and Purity: Ensure that the Betel Nut Flowers you purchase are sourced from reliable and reputable sources to ensure quality and freedom from contaminants.

Oral Health Precautions: Betel Nut Flowers should not be consumed in excess or in combination with other betel nut products, as they may have potential health risks, including teeth staining and oral health issues.

Medications and Health Conditions: If you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using Betel Nut Flower for medicinal purposes.

Cultural Sensitivity: Respect cultural and religious practices associated with the use of Betel Nut Flower and ensure proper understanding and appropriate usage.

Betel Nut Flower, with its distinct fragrance and cultural significance, offers a range of benefits and usages. However, it is important to be mindful of precautions, ensure quality, and use it in moderation. Embrace the beauty and cultural richness of Betel Nut Flower while prioritizing safety and respect for traditions.

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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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