Alkanet root Price in Pakistan


Alkanet root, with its vibrant color and medicinal properties, has long been recognized for its diverse applications. This herbal ingredient holds significance in various cultures around the world. In this article, we will explore the price of Alkanet root in Pakistan, along with five key benefits, common uses, and precautions associated with its usage. We will also provide the names of Alkanet root in Urdu, English, French, Arabic, and its scientific terminology.

Understanding Alkanet Root:

Alkanet root is derived from the Alkanna tinctoria plant, a perennial herb belonging to the Boraginaceae family. It is known for its deep red to purple color and is primarily used for dyeing purposes, as well as for its medicinal benefits.

Common Names in Different Languages:

Urdu: In Urdu, Alkanet root is commonly known as “Ratanjot” or “Roghan-e-Surkh.”

English: In English, it is referred to as “Alkanet root” or “Dyer’s bugloss.”

French: In French, Alkanet root is known as “Racine d’Alkanna” or “Buglosse des teinturiers.”

Arabic: In Arabic, it is called “Jarjeer al-warn” or “Jarjeer al-shamiri.”

Scientific Name: The scientific name for Alkanet root is Alkanna tinctoria.

Price of Alkanet Root in Pakistan:

The price of Alkanet root in Pakistan can vary depending on factors such as availability, quality, and market demand. On average, Alkanet root is available at prices ranging from approximately PKR [insert price range] to PKR [insert price range] per kilogram in local herbal medicine stores or markets. It is advisable to consult reputable suppliers or herbal medicine stores for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Benefits of Alkanet Root:

Natural DyeAlkanet root is primarily used as a natural dye, imparting a deep red to purple color to fabrics, soaps, and cosmetics.

Anti-inflammatory PropertiesAlkanet root possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may help soothe skin irritations and reduce inflammation when applied topically.

Skin Health: It is believed to promote healthy skin by nourishing and moisturizing, thus potentially aiding in the treatment of dry or chapped skin.

Wound HealingAlkanet root has been traditionally used to support wound healing and reduce the appearance of scars.

Culinary Applications: In some cuisines, Alkanet root is used as a natural food coloring agent to give a red or purple hue to certain dishes or beverages.

Usages of Alkanet Root:

Natural DyeingAlkanet root is widely used for the natural dyeing of textiles, yarns, handmade soaps, lip balms, and other cosmetic products.

Skincare Products: Its color and potential skin benefits make Alkanet root a valuable ingredient in natural skincare products such as creams, lotions, and soaps.

Traditional MedicineAlkanet root has been used in traditional medicine systems for its anti-inflammatory properties, and it is incorporated into ointments, poultices, or salves for topical applications.

Culinary PurposesAlkanet root is occasionally used as a natural food coloring agent in certain dishes, beverages, or desserts to add a red or purple tint.

Herbal RemediesAlkanet root may be used in the preparation of herbal remedies or infusions for various health concerns, although it is essential to consult a qualified herbalist or healthcare professional before use.

Alkanet Root Precautions:

While Alkanet root is generally safe for use, it is important to consider the following precautions:

External UseAlkanet root is primarily intended for external use, such as dyeing or topical applications. It is not meant for internal consumption unless specifically advised by a healthcare professional.

Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to plants or botanical products should exercise caution when using Alkanet root and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.

StainingAlkanet root can leave stains on fabrics, surfaces, and skin. It is recommended to use protective measures and perform a patch test before applying to larger areas.

Pregnancy and Lactation: Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid using Alkanet root unless specifically advised by a healthcare professional.

Alkanet root, known as “Ratanjot” or “Roghan-e-Surkh” in Urdu, holds cultural and medicinal importance in Pakistan. With its natural dyeing properties, potential skincare benefits, wound healing abilities, and culinary applications, it offers diverse uses. However, it is important to exercise caution, follow recommended guidelines, and consider individual allergies and precautions. Embrace the versatility and unique qualities of Alkanet root while prioritizing your safety and well-being.


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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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