Acacia Tree Bark Price in Pakistan


Acacia tree bark, with its rich history and diverse applications, holds significant value in various cultures around the world. Known for its medicinal properties and practical uses, the bark of the Acacia tree has garnered attention for centuries. This article aims to shed light on the pricing and common names of Acacia tree bark in Pakistan, providing a comprehensive understanding of its significance in different languages and its availability in the country.

Understanding Acacia Tree Bark:

Acacia is a genus of trees and shrubs that belong to the Fabaceae family. There are several species of Acacia trees, each with its unique properties and applications. The bark of the Acacia tree is known for its tannin content, making it valuable for medicinal purposes, natural dyes, and various other applications.

Common Names in Different Languages:

Urdu: In Urdu, Acacia tree bark is commonly known as “Kikar ka chilka” or “Babul ka chilka.” The term “chilka” refers to the bark or outer covering of a tree.

English: In English, Acacia tree bark is simply referred to as “Acacia bark.”

French: In French, it is known as “Écorce d’acacia.”

Arabic: In Arabic, Acacia tree bark is referred to as “Tib al-Samr” or “Tib al-Shauka.”

Scientific NameThe scientific name for the Acacia tree bark varies depending on the specific species of Acacia. Some common species include Acacia nilotica (also known as Acacia Arabica), Acacia Senegal, and Acacia catechu.

Price of Acacia Tree Bark in Pakistan:

The pricing of Acacia tree bark in Pakistan can vary depending on factors such as availability, quality, and market demand. On average, the price of Acacia tree bark ranges from approximately PKR [insert price range] to PKR [insert price range] per kilogram in local markets. It is important to note that these prices are subject to change due to market fluctuations, seasonal variations, and supplier preferences. Therefore, it is recommended to consult local suppliers or herbal medicine stores for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Acacia Tree Bark Uses and Applications:

Acacia tree bark holds significance in traditional medicine, natural dyeing, and other practical applications. The tannins present in the bark have astringent and antimicrobial properties, making it useful for treating various health conditions, including diarrhea, wounds, and oral infections. In addition, Acacia bark is employed for tanning leather, preparing natural dyes, and as a source of gum Arabic, a natural emulsifier and stabilizer used in the food and cosmetic industries.

Acacia Tree Bark Availability in Pakistan:

Acacia tree bark is relatively abundant in Pakistan, and it can be found in local herbal medicine stores, natural remedy markets, and traditional medicine shops across the country. It is advisable to seek out reputable suppliers who offer high-quality Acacia tree bark to ensure its authenticity and effectiveness.

The Acacia tree bark holds immense cultural, medicinal, and practical significance in Pakistan. Referred to as “Kikar ka chilka” or “Babul ka chilka” in Urdu, Acacia tree bark has a long history of traditional use. Its availability, pricing, and applications make it an important resource in the fields of traditional medicine, natural dyeing, and industrial applications. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding pricing, it is recommended to consult local suppliers and herbal medicine experts. Embrace the diverse qualities and uses of Acacia tree bark.


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Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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